Replacing your bathroom tiles

Replacing your bathroom tiles

Want More Family-Friendly Space? What To Include In Your Kitchen Renovation

by Heather Howell

If you're ready to renovate your kitchen and you want to make it more family-friendly, now's the time to start planning. There are a lot of features you can include to make your kitchen more accessible to the entire family. After all, the kitchen is usually the most popular room in the home. If you're not sure how to design a family-friendly kitchen, read the list provided below. You'll find five design features to include in your kitchen renovation project. 

Kid-Friendly Pantry

If you have kids, you want to spend more time on the pantry plans. Your pantry should do more than store food. It should be an inviting place for the entire family. One way to do that is to create zones within the pantry space. For instance, you can include easy-access drawers for your kids' snacks. You can stock their snack drawers with all the foods that are healthy, and kid-friendly. That way, your kids can take care of their own snacks.  It's also a good idea to include a sliding library ladder for those items you keep on the top shelves. 

Family Seating

If you and your family enjoy relaxed dining, don't forget to include a family seating area in the kitchen. A breakfast nook allows your family to eat together, without using the formal dining room. If you prefer a more relaxed take on the seating area, turn the breakfast nook area into a family lounge instead. You can do that by adding comfortable chairs and side tables. 

Outdoor Access

If you enjoy spending time outside during the summer, include backyard access from your kitchen. Adding bi-fold doors lets you open up your kitchen when the weather is nice. Not only does this allow easy access for family barbecues, but it also brings fresh air into your home. 

Usable Benchtops

If you're trying to make your kitchen more family-friendly, choose usable benchtops. Benchtops should be easy to clean, and easily accessible. Quartz benchtops are easy to clean. They're also durable enough to create kid-friendly surfaces. To improve access, it's a good idea to include pull-out benchtops. That way, young children can have access to their own workspace. This is especially beneficial for increasing independence. 

Durable Flooring

If you want to make your new kitchen as family-friendly as possible, choose the right flooring option. Your kitchen flooring will get a lot of foot traffic. Because of that, you want the flooring you choose to be easy to clean and slip-resistant. Two good flooring options include natural stone and vinyl flooring. Both of these options are slip-resistant and easy to clean. 

For more information on a kitchen renovation, contact a company near you.


About Me

Replacing your bathroom tiles

We have a bathroom with a really nice layout and structure, but the colour scheme is so dated. I can't believe anyone thought that peach tiles with a floral border was a good idea! I don't have a lot of money, but I want to replace some of the most dated items with more modern bathroom fixtures to create a modern and light-filled bathroom. This blog has tips on remodelling a dated bathroom on a budget and should be useful for anyone who is tired of their peach (or pastel) bathrooms but hasn't been able to afford a full bathroom remodel yet. We've done bathroom remodels a couple times now and hopefully our experiences can help you!